How Can I

C6 Insights is helping fleets improve efficiency, reduce costs, and meet sustainability goals through data-driven fuel and emissions analytics.

Powerful Features

Focused on fleets to drive sustainability forward every mile of the way.

Solutions for Every Fleet

Small or Large, Local or Global, Consumer or Business. Discover Features That Fit Your Fleet.

Get Started with 4 Easy Steps

Create a C6 Insights account and sync your telematics data from your existing TSP. Fleets without a telematics provider can manually enter or upload vehicle Information and a current odometer reading

C6 pulls real-time driving data from your TSP along with fleet settings/preferences to populate dashboards and reports focusing on fuel use, vehicle efficiency, and emissions, giving you a quick and simple summary of how you're doing.

Fleet operators receive actionable tips for how to reduce costs and emissions through changes to driver behavior, fuel switching, and vehicle replacement options, showing both financial and environmental Impacts.

Automated emails and reports keep you on track and allow fleets to share their progress and sustainability story with customers, internal stakeholders, and the local community.

Explore Our Features

With our vehicle replacement simulator, fleets can compare the financial and environmental benefits of changing out current vehicles
for new EV and ICE models with a carbon-weight TCO analysis.

Use the simplified calculator below to estimate approximate savings and CO2 reductions with a new electric vehicle.

For Business

Elevate Your Brand in a Green-Conscious Marketplace

  • Stand out from the competition and appeal to
    eco-conscious consumers
  • Comply with carbon reporting requirements
  • Win more business from companies prioritizing sustainability
  • Be prepared for new environmental regulations and policies

For Supply Chains

Enhanced Real-Time Emission Analytics
for Supply Chains

  • Reliable, independent data-driven GHG and criteria
    pollutant measurements
  • Track absolute emissions and carbon intensity metrics in
    real-time and over time
  • Benchmarking at the vehicle and whole fleet-level
  • Visualize paths to accelerate GHG reductions throughout
    the value chain


How will C6 Insights help my business?

The C6 platform helps companies to:

1) save money by operating their fleets more efficiently and reducing fuel spend

2) save time in the preparation and reporting of emissions

3) win business from consumers and B2B customers that prioritize buying from eco-friendly companies

Why is it important for companies to track their carbon emissions?

Whether you want to improve sustainability within your own organization, or gain an advantage when competing for corporate or government contracts, measuring and understanding your emissions is always the first step. This will tell you where you are today, and how to hit reduction goals in the future. Additionally, many companies are being required to disclose their scope 1 emissions (which includes fleet emissions), for regulatory compliance, investor and corporate reporting demands, or from large customers that are requiring this from their suppliers.

How does the C6 platform calculate emissions?

Our methodology uses real-world and real-time data from connected vehicles to calculate precise, consistent, and reliable emissions specific to the fuel or energy sources used in each vehicle. Developed by a team of professionals and data scientists with backgrounds in sustainability, energy efficiency, and air pollution, the platform is intended to provide accurate measurements of greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants that impact local and regional air quality and human health. Detailed methodology is available in the user guides in our product resources library.

Can C6 Insights help with my reporting requirements?

C6 Insights provides the most comprehensive and complete emissions calculation process in the industry, providing whatever level of granularity your reporting requires. This includes absolute emissions for carbon and the de minimis greenhouse gases at both the tailpipe and full life cycle level, emissions for criteria air pollutants, and non-exhaust emissions from abrasion and wear on tires and brakes. The system provides users with self-help access to this data within convenient dashboards, downloadable csv files, and consultative services for any customers requiring additional reporting assistance.

I don’t have a telematics service provider (TSP), can I still use the C6 Insights platform?

While the platform was intended to provide emissions measurements and fuel optimization recommendations using telematics data, it was also important to our founders that the product be accessible to any business interested in improving their fleet sustainability. To this end, the majority of the features and reports within the application are functional and available to companies without a TSP, including calculating emissions (using a different internal methodology), setting environmental targets, and exploring alternative fuels and zero-emission vehicles.

My TSP already shows my carbon footprint, how is C6 Insights different?

Some telematics providers have built well designed and impressive sustainability features within their product. These off-the-shelf solutions may be sufficient for some fleets, however our TSP agnostic approach means that you own your data and it travels with you should you change or cancel providers. And since efficiency and sustainability are the only focus at C6, we prioritize continuing education and constant innovation to ensure that our platform is the best sustainability product in the industry.

I use multiple types of fuel across my vehicles, will the C6 platform calculate emissions for all fuels?

Our emissions methodology uses fuel-, and vehicle-specific, emissions factors to compute greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants for all conventional and alternative fuels, including advanced biofuels and custom blending ratios. These factors vary across jurisdictions and change over time, and our data science team ensures the appropriate methodology is followed based on a fleet’s location, and that factors are updated according to our versioning protocol.

How does C6 Insights help me to reduce my carbon footprint?

The best way to reduce carbon emissions in the short term is to reduce fuel consumption, and the best thing about reducing fuel consumption is saving money! We’ve studied millions of individual trips across thousands of vehicles to build the most robust efficiency model in the industry. We evaluate driving behavior (speed, acceleration, braking), idling, and seasonality to reveal opportunities to improve efficiency and provide actionable recommendations. Further, we show fleets how different products, upfits, fuels, and vehicle replacements can reduce operating costs and carbon footprint.

Is C6 Insights able to track supply chain emissions across multiple vendors?

The C6 platform can be configured as a supplier reporting tool, allowing fleets to create their own accounts with emissions sharing capabilities. Parent organizations can get consistent and reliable scope 3 emissions data across vendors, and can collaborate to advance sustainability goals throughout the value chain with our marginal abatement cost curve calculations.

Can the C6 platform help me to engage my drivers and others within the organization?

When people understand how fleet programs can reduce pollution and improve air quality in their communities they are more likely to invest in corporate sustainability efforts and emotionally connect with the goals. Our platform helps to frame these goals by incorporating local air quality scores into the emissions story and sending monthly email updates to share individual and collective environmental impacts.

What makes the C6 vehicle replacement simulator unique?

Our vehicle replacement engine combines a replaceability score with an EV suitability index to suggest a mix of clean vehicles. We advocate for electrification when this is a feasible option, and when it is not we show SmartWay certified vehicles along with the cleanest ICE options for that vehicle class. Our Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis uses a carbon weighting to show financial ROI and emission Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC), helping owners and fleet managers to most effectively allocate capital.

Does C6 include tools to help me promote my business?

Yes! The C6 platform was designed to not only help companies reduce their environmental impact, but also effectively communicate their progress to customers and other stakeholders. We believe companies that do good should also do well, and have built tools to help our partners authentically and transparently promote their sustainability story and appeal to eco-minded consumers and B2B customers.

Where is C6 Insights currently available?

As of 2024, the product is available to fleets in the US and Canada, with plans to have TSP integrations available in the EU and UK by 2025.

The Transportation Sector is Changing.
Will Your Fleet Be Ready?

With the global shift toward a low-carbon economy, governments and businesses alike are focused on decarbonizing transportation. The auto industry is building new powertrains, energy companies are researching cleaner-burning fuels, and regulators are proposing strict emissions targets. Our data-driven platform provides the critical insights that companies will need to navigate these changes and inform their fleet management strategies for tomorrow.

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