Fleet Decarbonization: Moving from Measuring to Managing Emissions


C6 Insights

September 13, 2024

In the fast-evolving landscape of sustainability, organizations worldwide are steering their fleets toward a greener horizon. Fleet decarbonization is no longer just a buzzword; it's a strategic imperative. Beyond merely measuring emissions, companies are coming to understand that reducing their carbon footprint can also mean reducing their operating costs.

The Urgency of Fleet Decarbonization

As the world grapples with increasingly frequent climate crises, businesses are recognizing the importance of climate action as a part of their regular operations. According to the EPA, in the US, the transportation sector accounts for over a quarter of all GHG emissions. Vehicle fleets, like other parts of the transportation sector, are a significant contributor to GHG emissions and can be on the forefront of this sustainability revolution. Companies are acknowledging that taking steps towards fleet decarbonization is both a responsibility and a long-term investment in success.

Measuring Emissions: The First Step

Accurate and complete accounting of emissions is the foundational step in any decarbonization strategy. Understanding the organization’s current, or “baseline” carbon footprint is needed to set realistic goals, track progress, and make informed decisions. Using existing telematics data allows businesses to accurately quantify their emissions at the individual vehicle, duty class, or whole-fleet level, and easily identify areas for improvement.

Six Steps to a Sustainable Fleet: Step 1 is to Measure Your Impact; Step 2 is to Set Goals; Step 3 is to Implement Reduction Strategies; Step 4 is to Plan for Vehicle Replacements; Step 5 is to Offset Current Emissions; and Step 6 is to Report and Communicate

Beyond Measurement

With high-quality analyses and science-based recommendations, fleets can establish goals for near and long-term net zero emissions targets. Once goals have been set, organizations can adopt a variety of reduction strategies focused on fuel efficiency in current vehicles. In addition to fuel efficiency improvements, companies can establish vehicle improvement and replacement strategies that take into consideration alternative fuels and newer vehicles. These strategies need to be built on evaluation of the financial and environmental benefits of switching to cleaner vehicles and fuels, and allocating capital toward efforts with the best marginal abatement costs.

With reduction and replacement strategies in place, organizations can then invest in effective carbon mitigation and nature projects to offset the impact of their current, and unavoidable emissions. Comprehensive reporting will allow organizations to meet current and future financial and compliance reporting requirements. Tracking and reporting  also allows companies to share their progress with existing customers, to win new business, and to engage communities in their sustainability journey.

Transitioning to Electric Vehicles

The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is an impactful way to drive fleet decarbonization. With advancements in battery technology and range, reduction in price, and the growing availability of charging infrastructure, more companies are choosing to electrify their fleets. Beyond being eco-friendly, EVs are often preferred by drivers, cost less to fuel, and offer operational benefits like lower maintenance costs

Embracing Alternative Fuels

While EVs tend to get most of the attention when it comes to sustainability in transportation, alternative fuels can play an important role in reducing emissions as a lower carbon option for existing vehicles. Biofuels, natural gas and propane, and, recently, hydrogen present viable options for organizations seeking to diversify their fleet energy sources in the near term. These alternatives produce less local air pollution and contribute to greenhouse gas reductions, while offering businesses the flexibility to choose fuels that align with their operational needs.

US Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office, Alternative Fuels Data Center Listing of Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles
Source: US Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office, Alternative Fuels Data Center

Investing in Sustainable Infrastructure

Decarbonizing fleets goes beyond the vehicles themselves; it involves investing in sustainable infrastructure. Companies are investing in renewable energy sources to power their charging stations, exploring on-site energy generation and storage, and collaborating with local communities to build shared charging points available to both the fleet and the public.

Collaborative Ecosystems and Industry Standards

To truly go beyond measuring emissions, organizations are engaging in collaborative ecosystems and supporting the development of industry standards. Sharing best practices, technology, and insights with peers fosters a community-driven approach to fleet decarbonization. Industry standards provide a framework for measurement, ensuring consistency and transparency across the board.

The Business Case

Beyond the environmental benefits, there is a compelling business case for fleet decarbonization. Consumers and businesses alike are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on a company's commitment to sustainability. Going beyond measuring emissions not only positions businesses as responsible corporate citizens but also enhances brand reputation and attracts environmentally conscious customers and partners.

The Road Ahead

Fleet decarbonization is an ongoing journey and companies must continuously innovate and adapt. It requires a holistic approach that encompasses vehicles, infrastructure, technology, and collaboration. But most importantly, it requires just getting started. Any good sustainability program is iterative, and by actively embracing sustainable practices, businesses can navigate the road ahead with confidence and resilience, and the knowledge that they are making a positive impact on the planet.

C6 Insights is a carbon management platform providing industry-leading emissions and sustainability analytics for vehicle fleets. Our mission is to accelerate the decarbonization of the transportation sector through better measurement, education, and engagement, showing companies how they can benefit financially by reducing their carbon footprint.

About C6 Insights

C6 Insights’ carbon-management platform provides industry-leading emissions and sustainability analytics for fleets using existing telematics data. We embrace a multi-faceted approach to decarbonization that is not just about reducing emissions; it's about reshaping the future. Our mission is to accelerate the decarbonization of transport through better measurement, education, and engagement, and by proving the financial benefits of a low-carbon fleet.